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Service/Solution Provider

  • Global business network for driving digital transformation including AP & AR Automation
  • Global business network for meeting compliance
  • Reduce costs, error-handling and cycle times with 100% digital flows
  • Sweden
  • Company size: 501-1'000 employees
  • Employees dedicated to Invoicing: 600
  • Countries with special expertise: United Kingdom, United States, Germany, Sweden, Saudi Arabia
  • Geographical reach: Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, South America

Company Profile

Pagero provides a Smart Business Network that connects buyers and sellers for automated, compliant, and secure exchange of orders, invoices, payment instructions and other business documents. With an open network and a wide range of value-added apps, Pagero helps businesses streamline their order-to-cash and purchase-to-pay processes while unlocking the full potential of accurate and reliable business data. All of this, regardless of location, industry, size or systems. Find out more on

Description of Solution

Through a single connection to our network, businesses can connect to any trading partner, anywhere in the world. With over 30 local offices worldwide spanning Europe, North America and Asia, and 24/7 support, we make it easy for companies to operate wherever their business may take them.

Our open platform is independent of IT systems, enabling seamless integration across the order-to- cash, purchase-to-pay and transport management processes – regardless of format, system, or service provider requirements. Coupled with our extensive format library and conversion engine, we convert any document to meet format or content requirements. Our cloudbased platform ensures data accuracy, real-time visibility and end-to-end operational excellence across all your operations – no matter how many borders they may cross.